Jordan Photo Contest: The first online contest for the promotion of Jordan in Greece

The Jordan Tourism Board, in collaboration with the Signature Travel agency, organized the first online photo contest in Greece with the aim of promoting Jordan as a destination for Greek audience. As Greek tourists increasingly seek destinations that seamlessly blend cultural richness, historical significance, natural beauty, gastronomic delights, religious heritage, and adventurous experiences, Jordan emerges as the perfect synthesis.

Starting from October 24th, 2023, and running until November 6th, 2023, contestants had to submit one of their favorite photos from their unique trip to Jordan online. Whether the photographer was an accredited professional or a passionate amateur, everyone had the opportunity to compete for prizes, some of which were sponsored by Athens International Airport.

The best photos were selected through an independent and asynchronous evaluation by the competition jury. Their criteria included the overall aesthetic of each photo, as well as the effective promotion of Jordan, which was the competition’s primary goal. The jury comprised notable individuals from the fields of tourism, photography, arts, and communication.

The top 10 ranked photos of the contest were showcased in a photo exhibition held on November 20th in the heart of Athens. Tourism professionals, journalists, artists, and decision-makers in attendance were astonished by the results. “As a travel agent, I have assisted tens of people in traveling to Jordan in the past years. However, this exhibition has virtually transported me to Jordan in a magical way. It really makes me want to travel there now!” says Litsa Vasiliou, an attendee at the exhibition.

“The captivating images submitted by contestants not only showcase the diverse tapestry of Jordan but also serve as a visual narrative of the country & unique charm. Through the collaborative efforts of the Jordan Tourism Board and Signature Travel agency, this contest effectively captured the essence of Jordan’s multifaceted allure. The stirring narratives depicted in these photographs extend a war invitation for travelers to immerse themselves in the distinctive experiences that Jordan has to offer”, says Dimitris Lazaridis, representative of the Jordan Tourism Board in Greece & Cyprus.

During the exhibition, multiple attendees delighted in authentic Arab tastes while enjoying live Arab music. They experienced firsthand the culinary richness that Jordan has to offer and were treated to an engaging presentation providing a vivid glimpse into Jordan as a captivating tourist destination, showcasing its cultural and scenic wonders.

The Top 10 photos of the contest, which travelled the Greek audience through Jordan, were:



The article Jordan Photo Contest: The first online contest for the promotion of Jordan in Greece first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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