Hovr releases first Annual 2024 State of Travel and Hospitality Buyer’s Journey

PHILADELPHIA, PA. – Officials of Hovr, an online quality content provider that encourages greater guest engagement, released the first annual “2024 State of Travel and Hospitality Buyer’s Journey.”  The in-depth report examines seven trends impacting travel purchasing decisions in 2024, as well as ways to further engage guests to increase the likelihood of bookings.

“Consumer habits across the board changed in drastic ways in the years following the pandemic, and travel is no exception,” said Jason Craparo, CEO, Hovr. “In an effort to help hotel marketers better connect with potential guests, we have compiled the first annual ‘State of Travel and Hospitality Buyer’s Journey.’  Filled with facts and figures that can help hoteliers improve their bottom lines, we believe this information will prove vital for hotels looking to increase direct bookings.”

As identified in the report, the seven trends reshaping why and how consumers purchase travel in 2024 include:

The Post-COVID Bounce Back is Here
Inflation is a Factor for Some… But Not All
Digital Channels and Social Content Continue to Impact Travel Decisions
Pop Culture Wanderlust Inspires Bookings
Shrinking Timelines and Shorter Travel Planning Windows on the Rise
Travel Buyers’ Focus and Attention is Now a Precious Commodity
Mobile Provides Opportunities for Real-Time Research and Booking

The exhaustive report takes a deep dive into each trend, providing meaningful statistics and recommendations throughout its 24 pages.  In addition to identifying and documenting the trends, the report also examines the ways in which the customer purchasing journey has changed over the past few years, and, perhaps more importantly, how to better engage with customers as they make travel and lodging decisions.

The article Hovr releases first Annual 2024 State of Travel and Hospitality Buyer’s Journey first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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