Finnair traffic performance in February 2024: 804,700 passengers, 75.3% of all flights arrived on schedule

In February, Finnair carried 804,700 passengers. This was 2.3% less than in February 2023, even though there was one day more in February 2024 due to the leap year. The decrease was mainly caused by a political strike during the first two days of the month which forced Finnair to cancel c. 550 flights.

The overall capacity, measured in Available Seat Kilometres (ASK), increased in February by 3.4% year-on-year despite the political strike. If wet lease outs are included, capacity increased by 3.6%. Finnair’s traffic, measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPKs), decreased by 0.8%. The Passenger Load Factor (PLF) declined by 3.1% points to 72.1%. The distance-based reported traffic figures do not take into account longer routings caused by the airspace closure as they are based on Great-Circle distance in accordance with the industry practice.

The ASK increase in Asian traffic was 10.6% year-on-year explained e.g. by the additional capacity to Japan and South Korea. The North Atlantic capacity decreased by 10.9%. In European traffic, the ASKs were up by 3.7%. The Middle Eastern capacity declined by 6.3% mainly due to cancelled flights to Israel. The ASKs in domestic traffic increased by 0.9%.

RPKs increased in Asian traffic by 2.3% year-on-year but decreased in North Atlantic traffic by 9.5%. They decreased by 0.9% in European traffic, by 4.6% in Middle Eastern traffic and by 0.4% in domestic traffic.

In February, the PLF was 70.4% in Asian traffic, 60.4% in North Atlantic traffic, 75.5% in European traffic, 79.5% in Middle Eastern traffic and 72.1% in domestic traffic.

Passenger numbers stayed flat in Asian traffic year-on-year but decreased in North Atlantic traffic by 9.1%. They declined by 1.2% in European traffic, by 6.7% in Middle Eastern traffic and by 4.3% in domestic traffic.

In February, 75.3% of all Finnair flights arrived on schedule (79.7%).

Finnair Traffic Performance February 2024

% Change
% Change

Total traffic

Passengers 1,000
– 2.3
– 0.9

Available seat kilometres mill

Revenue passenger kilometres mill
– 0.8

Passenger load factor %
– 3.1p
– 3.0p

Cargo tonnes total

Available tonne kilometres mill

Revenue tonne kilometres mill

Available seat kilometres incl. wet lease out mill


Passengers 1,000

Available seat kilometres mill

Revenue passenger kilometres mill

Passenger load factor %
– 5.7p
– 6.3p


Passengers 1,000
– 1.2

Available seat kilometres mill

Revenue passenger kilometres mill
– 0.9

Passenger load factor %
– 3.5p
– 3.0p

North Atlantic

Passengers 1,000
– 9.1
– 6.3

Available seat kilometres mill
– 10.9
– 8.3

Revenue passenger kilometres mill
– 9.5
– 6.3

Passenger load factor %

Middle East

Passengers 1,000
– 6.7
– 4.6

Available seat kilometres mill
– 6.3
– 6.8

Revenue passenger kilometres mill
– 4.6
– 2.7

Passenger load factor %


Passengers 1,000
– 4.3
– 4.7

Available seat kilometres mill

Revenue passenger kilometres mill
– 0.4
– 1.4

Passenger load factor %
– 1.0p
– 1.4p

Cargo traffic

– Europe tonnes

– North Atlantic tonnes
– 18.6
– 20.0

– Middle East tonnes
– 7.1
– 1.1

– Asia tonnes

– Domestic tonnes
– 39.0
– 31.9

– Cargo flights tonnes*

Cargo traffic tonnes total

Revenue cargo tonne kilometres mill

* Including purchased traffic

Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the previous year (p = points, N/A = not available).
Available seat kilometres. ASK: Total number of seats available multiplied by kilometres flown.
Revenue passenger kilometres. RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried multiplied by kilometres flown.
Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat kilometres.
Available tonne kilometres. ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of passengers, cargo and mail multiplied by kilometres flown.
Revenue tonne kilometres. RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers, cargo and mail multiplied by kilometres flown.

The article Finnair traffic performance in February 2024: 804,700 passengers, 75.3% of all flights arrived on schedule first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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