Relais & Châteaux releases its second Sustainability Report

The new publication demonstrates positive gains across almost all its indicators and core objectives against the Association’s first sustainability report, published in 2022. The report also announces the formation of a Sustainability Commission, with members hand-picked by President Laurent Gardinier, to advance and accelerate the Association’s sustainability action plan.

Conscious of its dependence on nature, the Association of 580 independent hotels and restaurants has been taking action for responsible tourism and cuisine for nearly 15 years. Faced with the consequences of issues including climate change, biodiversity loss and recruitment challenges, Relais & Châteaux aims to unite its member properties around shared environmental and social objectives by transparently documenting its progress with its Sustainability Report 2022-2023, based on data collected for 2022.

Having set itself 15 core objectives that cover three main areas (Environmental Conservation and the fight against global warming; Sustainable Cuisine; Social & Societal Empowerment), the latest report shows that the Association has maintained its position or recorded progress in 12 of them (80%). The objectives are part of a sustainability strategy built on 90 indicators, measured using data supplied by Relais & Châteaux properties each year, which is then validated and analyzed by Solinnen, an environmental consultancy. Sustainability Report 2022-2023 showed progress on 51% of all indicators, while 17% of indicators remained stable. This second report also marked an increase in member properties’ participation, with 346 completing the sustainability questionnaire (63% of the network), up from 283 properties in the first year–an increase of 22%.

Relais & Châteaux is not only making progress in tackling its environmental objectives, but also objectives regarding social and societal impact. This demonstrates real commitment from members toward a collective ambition.

A new strategy to come in 2024

Relais & Châteaux’s sustainable transformation is set to become even more ambitious as it celebrates its 70th anniversary and sets itself new challenges for the future. In November 2024, the
not-for-profit Association will reveal a new Vision statement, marking the 10-year anniversary of the first manifesto outlining the Association’s 20 commitments for a better world through cuisine and hospitality. Laurent Gardinier, President, together with his newly formed Sustainability Commission, will address social and environmental issues on an even deeper basis, and provide greater support on the ground for member properties as they implement change.

The Sustainability Commission comprises seven Relais & Châteaux members from around the world, each chosen for their expertise in various aspects of environmental responsibility:

Aggie Banda of Royal Chundu – Luxury Zambezi Lodges in Zambia,
Mauro Colagreco of Restaurant Mirazur in France,
Malik Fernando of Resplendent Ceylon in Sri Lanka,
Vittoria Ferragamo of Il Borro in Italy,
Derek Joubert of Great Plains Conservation in Kenya and Botswana,
Charles McDiarmid of Wickaninnish Inn in Canada,
Marie-Hélène ‘Petit’ Miribel of Sol y Luna in Peru.

Laurent Gardinier, President of Relais & Châteaux, said: “This ongoing journey will demand much from each of us, not least as each of our members faces contrasting pressures and unique local priorities – sustainability means different things in different places. But I am confident we will reach out destination.”

Mauro Colagreco, Vice President, Chefs of Relais & Châteaux, highlighted: “We, as chefs, must reduce our energy and water consumption and rethink the entire waste cycle. There is an urgent need to act.”

The 15 Objectives

Environmental Conservation

1. Percentage of properties that have performed a carbon footprint assessment on their activities or as part of their activities.
• 50% by 2025
• 100% by 2030
2. Percentage of properties that measure their annual average energy consumption by kilowatt hour (kWh) and have put in place a plan of action to reduce consumption within the next two years.
• 100% by 2025
3. Percentage of renewable energy produced on-site (solar, wine, geothermal), etc.
• 10% by 2025
• 25% by 2030

4. Percentage of properties that monitor their water usage and that have put in place a plan of action to optimize water usage and reduce it within the next year.
• 100% by 2025

5. Percentage of properties that manage some of their green areas (forest, woodland, ponds, etc.) to enhance biodiversity conservation.
• 100% by 2025

Responsible Purchasing
6. Percentage of properties that have removed (a) single-use plastic amenities/toiletries in the bathrooms and (b) single-use plastic straws, bottles, drinking vessels throughout the property.
• 100% by 2025

Sustainable Cuisine

Healthy & Sustainable Food
7. While 95% of our vegetables are organic, local or seasonal (up from 89% in 2021), we want to measure the percentage of vegetables sourced with all three criteria in conjunction. Percentage of vegetables that are organic, local and seasonal among all produce served at our properties.
• 50% by 2025

• 100% by 2030
8. Percentage of properties that ask and check that their farmers/producers/suppliers abide by the World Organization for Animal Health ‘five freedom’ welfare standards.
• 100% by 2025

Food Waste
9. Percentage of properties that have food waste separately collected and composted on-site or off-site.
• 75% by 2025
• 100% by 2030

Spcial & Societal Empowerment

Attractive Workplace
10. Percentage of women in the top 10 salaries.
• 50% by 2030
11. Percentage of properties that have an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion policy.
• 100% by 2025
12. Percentage of properties that have performed a dedicated training session for the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion policy.
• 100% by 2025
13. Percentage of properties providing employees with balanced and healthy food.
• 90% by 2030

Local Activism
14. Percentage of properties that support local businesses that are socially or environmentally engaged.
• 90% by 2030

15. Percentage of properties that educate and involve their guests in cultural heritage protection and geotourism.
• 65% by 2030

The article Relais & Châteaux releases its second Sustainability Report first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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